security guard
Course Assessment
On completion of the course, the candidate will have to take three multiple-choice exams. Examinations are usually a cause of worry amongst many, and there is no need to worry. Everything required for the examination is covered in the Security Guard course and an expert instructor will fully assist the candidate for the tests. Roles and responsibilities of a Security Guard or Security Officer As per the Private Security Industry Act 2001, a Security Officer, sometimes called a Manned Guard, is anyone who carries out any of the following tasks:- Guarding premises against un-authorised access, disorder, theft, or destruction of property.
- Guarding people against assault or other injuries sustained by unlawful activity.
- The tasks of a security guard normally involve a physical presence, patrolling and controlling access to premises, surveillance and dealing with incidents and emergencies. Security officers are now also considered to be part of the wider police family, protecting people and their property and helping to prevent crime.
- Carry out patrols
- Check people and vehicles at entry points
- Search people, property or premises
- Deal with internal and external customers
- Record incidents
- Respond to emergencies
- Attend court to give evidence
Obtaining an SIA Security Guard Licence may seem like a long process, however, we are here to help you with the following 3 easy steps.
- Step 1: Register and attend the SIA Security Guard licence course
- Step 2: Get certified by passing the course.
- Step 3: Complete the SIA application process on the SIA’s website
The SIA Security Guarding course runs over 4 days and is divided into 3 units:
- Unit 1: Working in The Private Security Industry
- Unit 2: Working as a Security Officer
- Unit 3: Conflict Management for The Private Security Industry
Required Documents for Security Courses
Along with SIA documentation requirements, certified centers may accept the following identification forms:
1. 2 identity documents from Group A list. At least one must show the candidate’s current address and at least one document must show their date of birth.
2. One identity document from the Group A list and 2 documents from the group B list. At least 1 document must show the candidate’s current address and at least 1 document showing their date of birth.
The required identification documents are classified into two groups
Group A
1. UK biometric residence permit.
2. Signed valid passport of any nationality
3. Valid UK driving license (both parts of provisional or full license are required)
4. Driving license photo card, GB issued. Not valid if issued by Northern Ireland.
5. UK original birth certificate issued within 12 months of birth
Group B
1. Marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate, with translation if not in English.
2. Valid UK firearms license with photo
3. Valid EU photo ID card
4. UK adoption certificate
5. Signed valid UK paper driving license
6. UK birth certificate issued more than 12 months after the date of birth, not a photocopy
7. Non-UK birth certificate, with translation if not in English
8. P45 statement of income for tax purposes on leaving a job issued in the last 12 months
9. Bank or building society statement issued to your current address, less than three months old. You can use more than one statement as long as each is issued by a different bank or building society
10. P60 annual statement of income for tax purposes issued in the last 12 months
11. 2nd Bank or building society statement issued to your current address, less than three months old from a different provider to 13
12. Utility bill (gas, electric, telephone, water, satellite, cable,) issued to your current address within the last three months. You can only use one utility bill in support of your application (mobile phone contracts are NOT accepted)
13. Mortgage statement issued in the last 12 months
14. Pension, endowment, or ISA statement issued in the last 12 months
15. British work permit or visa issued in the last 12 months
16. Letter from H.M. Revenue & Customs, Department of Work and Pensions, employment service, or local authority issued within the last three months. You can use more than one letter as long as each is issued by a different Government department or a different local authority
17. 2nd letter from different provider to 21
18. A credit card statement sent to your current address within the last three months. You can use more than one statement as long as each is issued by a different issuer
19. 2nd credit card statement from different provider to 23
20. Council Tax statement issued in the last 12 months
21. Child benefit book issued in the last 12 months
22. NI issued Driving license photo card ( issued by Northern Ireland DVLA)*
23. Driving license paper counterpart issued by DVLA Great Britain or Northern Ireland.*
Are you short of documents or need guidance Contact Us
The candidate is also required to provide 2 passport size photographs with a light background. If you apply for more than 1 course, you are required to provide additional photos based on the number of courses applied.
Documents required for SIA linked qualifications
As per SIA instructions in order to attend the examination, the candidates are required to ensure that the documentation is complete. It is mandatory to have documents with you and ensure that the documents you have must be as per the list mentioned in Group A or Group B.